

Owner & Teacher & Artist

“YOGA IS MY LIFE. I practice every day. It is important to me that I practice what I preach and I believe in it 100 percent. For me, a big part of that daily effort is trying to understand more than just the physical part of yoga but the metaphysical, the spiritual, even the intellectual,” Arjuna Yoga owner Caroline says. “I am always working on my education in yoga, doing whatever I can to learn. To me, being a good teacher means being a good student.”

Since she opened Arjuna Yoga in 2004, Caroline has spent almost ten years pursuing her yoga education under the tutelage of Indian-born teachers Bikram Choudry, Deepak Chopra and Sanjeev Kumar Bhanot. After becoming certified in Bikram yoga in 2004, Caroline went on to study many other forms of yoga including Vinyasa, Yin, and Astanga. She has made several extended trips to India to gain a better understanding of yoga from a cultural and historical perspective and to deepen her own practice through intensive study and training. With that foundation she was able to create her own 200+ hour Yoga Alliance certified Arjuna Yoga Teacher Training program, providing certification for her students to go out into the world and become teachers, some of whom have gone on to become very successful in Aspen and other parts of the world. Her greatest achievement is to honor her lineage of teachers with an authentic offering of yoga classes practiced in 105-degree heat, the way yoga has been practiced in India for thousands of years.

Arjuna Yoga is the manifestation of Caroline’s passion and dedication. It is evident in everything she does from the rigors of her own daily practice and dedication to her students to creating one of the most beautiful and impeccably maintained and furnished studios in the country, if not the world.

Caroline and Arjuna Yoga welcomes students of all levels to practice, enjoy and flourish.
