Yoga Etiquette

Yoga Etiquette
- Please do not bring anything but your mat, towel and water into the studio.
- Turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate and leave it in the changing room.
- Do your best to keep your sweat from landing anywhere but on your own mat and towel. Bring extra towels if necessary.
- Please keep your mat and towel clean. You are sweating out toxins so it is really important to wash your towels in hot water and spray your mat after each class.
- Please do not bring Breathe Mats (mats with the towel sewn in) into our studio. These mats tend to retain mildew even after they are washed. We recommend using Yogi Toes, which are made from water resistant fiber so they wash well and lay flush to your mat.
- When leaving the studio, be careful not to drip excessive sweat on the floor or on other people as you walk by. Wipe up any puddles you have created around your mat.
- If you are sick, please do not come into practice until you know you are no longer contagious.
- Please keep showers to less than five minutes. If you require more time to get ready, it’s best to leave class early.
- Please double check to see that you remember to take all your belongings (especially sweaty clothes and towels) with you when you leave. The lost and found is emptied out regularly and we will not be responsible for your personal items.
- Do not wear perfume or any other strong scents to class.
- If you must leave the room during class, please wait until we are between postures to get up and walk through the room. Do NOT walk through the room during a balancing posture.
- If you are late to class, do your best not to disrupt the class in progress. Wait until a break between postures to find a place for your mat. Doors will be locked 5 minutes after class has begun. Do NOT knock on the door if you arrive late and the doors are locked.
- Do not open and close the doors during class. If you are too hot or too cold, let your teacher know and they will do their best to situate you. Arrive early to insure you can practice in a spot that is suitable for you.
- While we understand this yoga is intense, we ask that you keep your breathing quiet and noise-making (grunting, groaning, moaning) to a minimum. No yoga drama!